
 Interview 2015

Feingold’s astonishing single relates the heartbreaking narrative of a love lost in the stars, speaking to souls still searching for each other across the vastness of space and time.

‘Old Love’ conveys the bittersweet history of a relationship that might have endured to final times – a thing surrendered to uncertainties of circumstance, lingering only as a museful influence to later acts of creation.
Old Love


Neufutur interview:

(Kudos to James McQuiston for asking the right questions!)

He asked:

What advice would you give to young, aspiring artists out there who are unsure and need guidance?

Write what comes to you naturally! Don’t be influenced by styles which are not your own – even if they are currently “hot”. My keyboard writes soaring melodies, whether they are avant-garde or Not!

I hope everyone will take heart from this advice, I started composing full-time at an age when others are playing solitaire. If you’ve got something in your head – WRITE IT – AND NEVER LOOK BACK!


Selected sections of in depth interview

What was your route to becoming an award-winning composer?

 I was a music minor in college, where I majored in Math and Physics. I always had composition in the back of my mind.  However, my college experience in composing was very disappointing. I closed my music books and thought – that was that.  I didn’t compose for years. This changed by serendipity. I volunteered to set a poem written by a friend in 2012.

What was your educational and personal background?

 After college, I spent a year in Physic Graduate School at Columbia University where I met my ‘almost husband’.  Following that, events lead to my spending 36 years in Israel where my daughter was born and grew up. To earn a living there I worked as a scientific advisor at the Technion Computer Center. I was fortunate to be able to get a Masters and a D.Sc. on the job, in an early application of Artificial Intelligence. I also free-lanced in the Technion Physics Department.

But I always wanted to come back to the States. That only happened when my (real) husband passed away. I returned in 2003.


Other musical pursuits:

Choral singing – in my head I’m still the Soprano I was in the 1960s!

 How can our readers find you and your music?

 The public is invited to visit this web-site:

on which I publish my performed music and audios of projects.

I have both a YouTube and a SoundCloud channel

On YouTube channel look for Sue Jacobs Feingold Composer  videos!

On SoundCloud I am https://SoundCloud/suefein132

There I post drafts of upcoming songs and also performed music. A very convenient site not requiring videos, when audios are the essence of music


Besides music, what are your other interests?

 Besides my concern with the Environment, I’m also an animal advocate. I have adopted a tribe of Lakota Indians living on a reservation in very, very bleak conditions in South Dakota. I consider the Native Americans our most forgotten minority.

I relax by doing Twitter, (which I find is an excellent way of learning to be concise. As a lyricist that counts.)


Are you a feminist?

 I do not consider myself a feminist. When I took Freshman Physics in college there were 150 guys and two girls in the class. So what! Because I’m a bit of a loner, I am not much influenced by peer pressure, never even heard the “you ought to stay at home and have babies” mantra. Wanted a career in theoretical physics. That didn’t happen but composing did.


Future plans  

Truthfully I now spend almost all of my time composing.

I used to write pop-science articles (no math needed) based on my background in Physics – I have been published in 5 Physics Journals..

The one science article I still have in my mind is based on a talk that I gave at a “Defenders of Wildlife” Wolf Conference in 1996. I flew to Albany from Israel for that one. I actually explained, to a bunch of animal advocates, a statistical method for calculating wolf-caribou survival rates under varying conditions. And the audience “got it”.

Final, open-ended question – what would you tell our readers?

 Someone once asked me if I planned to write a memoir. My music is my memoir. And thank you for this interesting interview.

Getting back to my cabaret/theater songs

The amazing Paul An & baby Bruno! (of 7 People fame)PaulAn


AND  Sonya Headlam – the lead singer in my WAITIN trio!

Sonya Headlam